For as long as I can remember, I've always felt "apart", with a desire to improve the world and alleviate suffering. After studying psychology and working in HR, I needed to add even more meaning to my daily activities. And life offered me the fabulous opportunity to [...]
Hello, the aim of the session is to understand what your child is going through in order to improve your relationship with him. The session takes place over the phone, and I tell you what he's feeling at the moment, what his blocks are, what's going on inside him, which will enable you to understand him better and [...].
Coach for hypersensitive people and precocious children. Art and mindfulness coaching.
TURON-LAGOT Eric est psychologue à L’Isle-Adam. Il pratique les TCC.
GARREL Aude est psychologue à Enghien les Bains et St Leu la forêt et se déplace aussi à domicile.
KARPIK Valérie est psychologue à Eaubonne. Elle prend en charge les enfants et les adultes pour des bilans et des suivis.
LEBRETON DA SILVA Sandra est psychologue à Mériel.
SAMPERS-GENDRE Emmanuelle est psychologue à l’Isle-Adam.